Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Here Is To Making A Comitment And Keeping It!

Today was day one of a sixty day juice fast for me.

A little history; I have juiced in the past. I've done every diet: Weight Watchers, Dukan, Atkins. I was even raw foods-vegan for awhile. My weight has always greatly fluctuated ever since I can remember, usually more on the unhealthy side. So, I decided to do a juice fast; 60 days.

A few months ago, My Uncle had me watch this film 'Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead.' It struck a chord and here I am a few months later. Considering that my New Years Resolution to be healthy was a flop (again), I decided that I was in dire need of a major change. So, I am committing my self here for the world (or the few of the friends and family I send this link to) to see that I am going to make a change for the better, for ME!

As for the juicing, today I had three. One for each meal. Fortunately, I was not working today so I did not have any distractions food wise. My juices were as follows:

- two whole medium carrots
- one medium pink grapefruit peeled
- one Granny Smith apple

- 1/2 cucumber
- four large handfuls of spinach
- one whole med. Granny Smith apple
- 1/8 of a pineapple peeled

Both juices were delish and I had a normal amount of energy all day. I actually had several different juice blends for dinner because I juiced with my little sister so we played around with the combinations of fruits and veggies a bit and had smaller portions of each.

I have to say I was feeling wonderful until a short time ago when I developed a headache which is a withdrawal from who knows what I'm sure. So, for now I'm signing out. I'll be sure to post pictures and the recipes from tonight's 'dinner' tomorrow.

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