Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 6 of 60 - 8.4 lbs. lost!

I've almost survived a week! I was super excited to see that I was down another 2.6 lbs. this morning since my last weigh-in three days ago. I'm feeling very proud of myself and in control of what I'm putting in my body. There have deffinately been many temptations so far, but it's getting easier and easier to reject those bad temptations as time goes on. I'm drinking my lunch time juice right now which mostly consisted of greens, apple, and lemon with a touch of ginger.

I did yoga with my pal Roxy and Erik this morning and got myself all ready physically and mentally for the busy week at work.I'm really not looking foward to Valentine's Day just because I always have to work, but Erik always manages to suprise me with something when I get off.

So I'll be weighing in again in another three days and I'll update you again tomorrow.

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