Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 6 of 60 - 8.4 lbs. lost!

I've almost survived a week! I was super excited to see that I was down another 2.6 lbs. this morning since my last weigh-in three days ago. I'm feeling very proud of myself and in control of what I'm putting in my body. There have deffinately been many temptations so far, but it's getting easier and easier to reject those bad temptations as time goes on. I'm drinking my lunch time juice right now which mostly consisted of greens, apple, and lemon with a touch of ginger.

I did yoga with my pal Roxy and Erik this morning and got myself all ready physically and mentally for the busy week at work.I'm really not looking foward to Valentine's Day just because I always have to work, but Erik always manages to suprise me with something when I get off.

So I'll be weighing in again in another three days and I'll update you again tomorrow.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 5 - 60 Day Juice Fast

I've been feeling really great the last two days. I have a good level of energy and I'm sleeping soo much better than I was before the fast. I'm totally revamping my sleep habits without having to do any work at all. I've been going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. I'm super stoked about that.

The first three nights of the fast I was having some sort of headache withdrawl that was worse than I expected but those have also subsided. My lower back pain has also lessened. Very happy about that.

I've really starting noticing where my bad eating habbits are. I've especially noticed that my major issue is eating when bored at work. So I'm working on that. Other than that I've been feeling great and I'll be posting my next weigh-in tomorrow morning.

Until then,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Lunch - Green Juice

Alright so I picked up some celery, fennel, dandelion greens and cilantro and my green juice taste like a green salad with a hint of lemon. Not bad.

Green Juice
- one med. stalk of fennel
- 3 leaves of med sized rainbow chard
- one handful of spinach
- half a bundle of black kale
- 1/4 of a bundle of dandelion greens
- a handful of cilantro
- one med lemon
- one red delicious apple
- 1" nub of ginger

Here's what's on my cutting board!

My Morning Juice - Day 4 - Grocery List

Hey everyone so I've just finished my first juice of the day and I'm actually searching for some farmer's markets because I'm out of all of my kale and chard. So speaking of farmer's markets I thought I'd made a grocery list for you all so you can see what I pick up when I'm juicing.

Grocery List
- a huge bag of spinach (Costco)
- 2 or 3 bundles of several different varieties of kale (ie. purple, green)
- 2 or 3 bundles of chard (swiss, red, rainbow)
- a huge bag of carrrots (like the one you get at Costco)
- 2-3 lbs. of several different varieties of apples
- 3 or so pieces of ginger
- enough lemons for 3 a day (until the next time I can get to the store)
- 1 lb. of juicing oranges
- 3 or 4 large cucumbers
- 3 bundles of celery
- 2 fennel root
- 2 bundles of cilantro
- one bundle of dandelion green (super good for the liver)
-3 or so large beets with the greens (the chutes have lots of nutrients as well)

Okay, so if that looks overwhelming, it's no big deal. Cut it down to half the items and start off there, you'll still be doing great things for your body! It takes a few days to adjust to all of the new flavors of juiced vegetables and fruits, so ease into it.

And I'll leave you with a link to Orange County's Farmer's Market List. Looks like I'm heading to Huntington Beach where they have a farmer's market every friday from 1pm. to 5pm. right by the pier.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 3 of 60 Day Juice Feast

Good morning!!

Today is day three, I made it!! Now just fifty-seven more... anyway. Just finished up with breakfast it. I actually made a juice for my boyfriend and myself so this is a double recipe.

-4 med. carrots
- 2 handfuls of spinach
- one kale leaf
- half a large lemon
- one apple, Red Delicious
- 2 med. navel oranges
- 1/8 of a pineapple

Very good juice this morning, was very pineapple-ish with just a hint of carrot.

So last night I did quite of bit of reading and researching and found a great youtube channel liferegenerator. Dan McDonald is awesome he has over a thousand videos on youtube and is a daily juicer/ raw foodie. So mixing it up, he's got lots of recipes and thoughts to consider.

Oh! By the way, I lost another 1.2 lbs! And I was thinking about my weigh-in and I obviously read the scale wrong, so here's the official correction. I lost 5 lbs. yester not 7, whoops! Sorry about that, so altogether now I've lost 6.2. Oh yeah, and the day has just begun! I'm excited!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Challenging Night at Work

I knew I was going to struggle with this fast when I was at work because I work in a restaraunt.  For six or so years I have worked at the same job where the easiest foods to come by are not generally the healthiest. When it's a slow night at work the challenge to keep my self from eating out of bordom feels like it is a hundred times harder than on a normal night.  Tonigh was deffinately tough, but I keep myself busy doing side work and drinking hot tea (which by the way was the only thing keeping my tummy from grumbling at work because I was starving!!).

I'm going to do a little more research on juice fasting tonight before I go to bed to see if I can find anything educational that I can use to my benefit in the coming days.

Here's dinner:
- one med. red delishious apple
- one small green apple
- 1/4 of a large beet
- one leaf swiss chard
- one leaf of red chard
- one small lemon
- two handfuls of spinach
- 1 in. nub of garlic
- two medium carrots

Happy Juicing Everyone!! Goodnight!

By the way, I mentioned my friend Krystle as my most recent motivation for doing this fast. Check out  Krystle's Blog!

Yesterdays Dinner Recipes

So yesterday insterad of juicing by myself I decided to juice with my sister so we could prepare several different combinations of juice and find some recipes that we enjoyed. We actually came up with three delishious blends.

Strawberry Apple-ade
- 2 med. Granny Smith apples
- 1 small Fuji apple
- 5 med. strawberries
-1/2 in. of ginger
- 1/4 lemon
- a handful of leafy greens (ie. broccoli, kale)
- 1 carrot

This by far has been the most delishious and was the favorite between the two of us as far as sweet goes.

Green Machine
- one med. leaf of red chard
- one large leaf of swiss chard
- one stalk of celery
- one small head of broccoli
- one clove of garlic, extra small
- one small fuji apple
- a handful of other leafy greens (ie. spinach, kale)
- 3/4 lemon

This juice sounds horrific, but with the apple and lemon all of the greenery is really toned down.

Hot Pink Romance
- one whole small beet
- two small fuji apples
- one small blood orange
- 2 in. peice of ginger
- 1/2 lemon
- one stalk of celery
- one handful of kale
- one small head of broccoli

This juice was extra suprisingly good, I'm not the biggest fan of beets. So I was pleasantly suprised.

Day Two of Sixty - First Weigh In!

I am completely amazed! I cannot believe that I have already lost SEVEN POUNDS!!! I actually stepped of the scale and re-weighed myself. I thought I had seen the number wrong or something...

After my first weigh-in I am super motivated to get through a day of work at the restaraunt with out failing!  I'm super stoked!!!

- four medium strawberries
- 1/8 pineapple peeled
- one medium navel orange
- one handful of spinach
- 1/2 in. nub of ginger
- Three medium carrots

Breakfast was super pineapple-ish! It really masked all of the flavors of the spinach and carrots so that my first juice of the day was enjoyable. A side note about ginger: I absolutely love using ginger in my juices because it adds and extra zesty oomph to your juice if you use just an inch by inch piece. I usually add about a 1/2 to 1 1/2 inch piece deppending on my mood, but ginger actually has some wonderful health benefits. It helps with any sort of stomach issue, but it has also been said to reduce anxiety! Not to mention it is just plain scrumptious.

Well, until lunch then my friends.

Here Is To Making A Comitment And Keeping It!

Today was day one of a sixty day juice fast for me.

A little history; I have juiced in the past. I've done every diet: Weight Watchers, Dukan, Atkins. I was even raw foods-vegan for awhile. My weight has always greatly fluctuated ever since I can remember, usually more on the unhealthy side. So, I decided to do a juice fast; 60 days.

A few months ago, My Uncle had me watch this film 'Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead.' It struck a chord and here I am a few months later. Considering that my New Years Resolution to be healthy was a flop (again), I decided that I was in dire need of a major change. So, I am committing my self here for the world (or the few of the friends and family I send this link to) to see that I am going to make a change for the better, for ME!

As for the juicing, today I had three. One for each meal. Fortunately, I was not working today so I did not have any distractions food wise. My juices were as follows:

- two whole medium carrots
- one medium pink grapefruit peeled
- one Granny Smith apple

- 1/2 cucumber
- four large handfuls of spinach
- one whole med. Granny Smith apple
- 1/8 of a pineapple peeled

Both juices were delish and I had a normal amount of energy all day. I actually had several different juice blends for dinner because I juiced with my little sister so we played around with the combinations of fruits and veggies a bit and had smaller portions of each.

I have to say I was feeling wonderful until a short time ago when I developed a headache which is a withdrawal from who knows what I'm sure. So, for now I'm signing out. I'll be sure to post pictures and the recipes from tonight's 'dinner' tomorrow.